7:05 meeting called to order
There were 3 officers and 2 members in attendance: Holly, Clarence, Joe, Donnie and Lorelei, as well as 2 scholarship recipients and their families.
Pledge of allegiance

Guests: Caleb and Blair (scholarship recipients) and family
Presented checks –
Blare wants to be an elementary school teacher and is attending UVM
Caleb is going to school in Kentucky for broadcast journalism
Patrick – was not able to attend as he is working nights during the summer, he is majoring in Web development and attending VT Technical College
We have not heard back from several scholarship winners.
Caleb Sweeney – received check
Blair Bean – received check
Patrick Wilkins – received check
Megan Horsford – will be at July meeting
Anna Leeper?
Logan Harper?
Natalee Deaette?
Emily Lawson?
Treasurer’s report – there was a question about a Memphremagog Press check, will look into it. Clarence will start using new format for treasurer reports that will have more info so we can use them for tracking and future planning. Donnie made the motion to accept, seconded by Lorelei, all approved.
Toy Run Update
Bottomless Pit is going to be there for food. Clarence has volunteered to drive his truck and pull the trailer the day of the Toy Run. Holly will have a flag on her bike for the toy run.
We will be selling bottled water; it will be delivered to BCBS the day before. Donnie will put his big cooler in the truck and we will fill it with ice on the way. Lorelei will look into printing a poster of the bike instead of having the actual bike at the Toy Run
Texas Roadhouse is getting a new owner (that would make a nice UMV clubhouse). Hopefully the new owners will still be catering.
ETA is the band, bike is from from Green Mtn. HD , put that info on ticket.
Joe Benning will not be there, Phil Scott has not responded, neither has Luis Guzmann. We need a speaker.
We will have to take care of empty water bottles.

Posters, flyers and magnets – we made sure to have them ready for this meeting so members could start distributing them.
we have 100 flyers, cost $55 from Staples
we have 200 magnets for $52 from VistaPrint
We will update the info on our site, Facebook and the flyers as we get more info and confirmations.
T-shirts, waiting to hear if queensboro can adapt the Santa image to print on shirt, it has too many colors to silkscreen as is and Joe has not had enough time to work on it. Queensboro did our embroidered shirts.
HD Raffle
Once we’ve bought the bike, Holly will contact Derby Press for tickets, we plan on having them for the Toy Run.
Harley has not been bought yet, Clarence, Holly and Joe are going to Green Mtn. HD on Saturday 6/6/2015 to buy one – let us know if you want to go too. The street bob is not in stock now according to their site. We discussed getting insurance so we could bring the bike to the Toy Run, but decided against trying, as we are so short handed.
No new Kingdom Thunder info
Camp Takumta – we will present a check, and check to see if we ride there ourselves or join in the group ride

Donnie’s Pig Roast july 11
Crossroads 1 day event
Meeting ended approx.. 8:05.
Note from Joe: today is my first day off in years. This is not an exaggeration, I am expected to work 24/7/365 and those of you who know who I work for can surely appreciate this. The last day off I had would have been the day I spent in the intensive care unit at Fletcher Allen in October of 2010, as best as I can remember. I used to enjoy working and developing on the computer, it has become something that I just have to do now. I started working on a UMV newsletter back in December, after thinking about it for months, and am planning on actually sending the newsletter later today. I am trying to cut back on my hours and days at work so that I can again enjoy working on the computer and getting things done for UMV.