Februarys meeting started at 7:15pm and was held at the VFW in Hyde Park on February 1, 2017. There were 3 Members , 5 officers present.
The Secretary reports and Treasures report was read and accepted .
Harley Raffle
• Try to make sure ticket holder name(s) are legible…. If you can’t read it, please write their name on the stub before handing them in
• Had good response from people about ticket holders only being able to purchase 2nd change tickets, make sure we explain that clearly when we sell tickets this year. Possible put on the ticket?
• Discussed Phil possibly making raffle prize– “customized” hotdog/marshmallow sticks
• We will have a “I won the motorcycle now what” letter and copy of the release form for the winner going
forward to help alieve confusion for the winner after the excitement is over
• Holly will check in with ETA about next year, ask if its possible to play more of the classic rock/modern country
like the first year.
• Jason will check with GMH about a price for the bike
• Will try to have so we can get tickets handout at August meeting as always.
• Deposit was made for VFW space rental
Toy Run
• Holly has sent an inquiry to Gov Scott’s office about riding and speaking again. Will contact Joe Bennings office as well.
• Jason spoke with Combat Vets, they are willing to help with Road Guards is needed
• Holly will confirm with Red Knights that they are willing to help with the parking again
• Jason will confirm with GMH still ok with start place
• Reminder that we still need a new pop-up tent, will look this summer at Costcos/BJ
• Clarence will confirm with Michelle Barton of Busy Bee that she is still interested in doing the food concession.
• Veterans Place: keep them in mind when cleaning out household items. Ask professionals you work with to see if they will donate (dentist, eye drs etc)
• Decided to purchase a laptop for UVM’s use. Keep everything together, make change of secretary easier. Dave will get prices on mid level computer and different options for programs.
• Jason hand delivered them this year with a good response
• Decided it would be a good idea to let schools know directly when their students win. We will get something
printed up to give at award nights. Summer Rides.
• Will start promoting monthly rides on facebook.
• We will either decide on a route/destination the meeting prior to the ride or have someone volunteer to figure it
out so its semi-organized.
• Will keep it at STJ Maplefields for now see how it goes.
• Everyone agreed to stay for another year, secretary cast 1 vote for slate. Phil moved, Donnie 2nd.
• Phil will take Coot’s place on the board of directors with Casey Mosher and Mike Burt.
Next meeting will be at the Orleans Legion starting at 7pm.