Dedicated to motorcycle safety, education, awareness, pro-motorcyclist legislation and individual freedom.

No Throwing Candy, Please…

No throwing candy

No Throwing Candy

Yes, we know how fun it is to toss candy along the Toy Run parade route and it’s great seeing the kids scrambling to pick it up but…

It’s not safe. We’ve seen kids run out into the road causing bikes to hit their brakes causing more bikes to hit their brakes to avoid crashing into the bikes ahead. It puts everyone in danger. Please don’t do it.

We know how disappointing it is and welcome any suggestions. If you have any ideas on how to safely toss candy to the kids, making sure none of it lands in the road and without being a distraction to the driver, let us know.

We’re not against fun; we’re for safety.

tl;dr – As always, we ask that riders do not throw candy to kids watching the parade. It’s dangerous, we do not want any one hurt. Safety is no accident so lets be safe out there.

* If you don’t know, tl;dr stands for too long; didn’t read.