Dedicated to motorcycle safety, education, awareness, pro-motorcyclist legislation and individual freedom.

December 2012 Meeting Minutes

December meeting was in Hyde Park at the VFW,

We had 12 members present with 8 reg, and 4 board. Pledge of allegiance was said, and Treasurer and secretary reports were read and accepted.

NEW BUSINESS– we are looking into doing the Kingdom Thunder Run at Burke Mtn. this year. The Cedarwood Resort has closed, and we had out grown it anyway. We had talked to Jay Peak about hosting it, but they have 3 weddings scheduled for that weekend. They suggested Burke Mtn, as they are the owners of it too. We will go to Burke and meet with the crew who run it, and see if it is possible to host it there. We will also be in charge of getting all the info out concerning the run, and be the group in charge of the fund raising done on this run for IROC,

WEB SITE–For $123.32, UMV can have our own server. Gabrielle motioned, Kevin seconded, and we voted to purchase our own server. This will make it easier and faster for UMV business to be conducted on line. We seem to have been fighting it along the way, but we are finally coming into the 21st century! This is what we re trying to do is bring everything together to make not only Kingdom Thunder, but our toy run, and any other upcoming events flow easier.

Back to Kingdom Thunder, we need to have Phil White Transfer the Kingdom Thunder domain to us to keep track of everything Kingdom Thunder. We hope nothing goes wrong at IROC and hope their fundraising continues to grow and they can keep afloat, but if they can’t, we do not want the Kingdom Thunder name being gone too. Gabrielle will e-mail all the area Harley dealers and see if they will post our event on their web sites. We have 112-115 contacts from past years attendance, so we have a good start on a mailing list of past attendees. Monte will take our info, and get it into New York State papers, —

Patti and Gabrielle have started a G-Mail site for the newsletters and any info coming out of the group. Gabrielle did a new welcome letter for new members explaining what UMV is all about, and why it is important to be a member.

HARLEY RAFFLE– There was some discussion as to what should the top eight prizes after the 1, Harley, and 2, 250.00, 3-10 be, We decided on leather vests again, and Ted from Teds Flying Hogs said he will exchange them for the size you need, of the same brand and cost, for free. We went over the meal 1 last time to make sure everybody was on the same page, and the amount of food we needed to order, so that is taken care of. We agree with the VFW, that after 8:00 pm, no one under 21 yrs. old will be allowed to come in for the dance The VFW has a new web site; it is Last, but not least, we will be raffling off a teak miniature replica of a Harley motorcycle. Phil motioned, Kevin seconded to purchase it, and we voted to.

SCHOLARSHIPS– Margie will be mailing the applications, to the area schools in the next couple days, and we should get them back by the first of April, so we can read them in May, and give them out by graduation.

TOY RUN– Design requests were sent to schools art classes, and they were told the students can do this on their own or as extra credit, whatever the teachers saw fit to do. The winning design gets a check for $100.00, plus it gets put on our toy run shirts.

SAVE THE DATE: Teds Flying Hogs Calcutta is April 23, 2013, and it is going to be held at the Canadian Club in Barre Vt. Tickets are $100.00 a piece and it gets you dinner for two, dance for two, and a chance to win a share of $5000.00. It is to benefit the Cross roads Rally, which in turn benefits the Make-A-Wish Foundation, So everyone that can make it, Should!

Motion to adjourn at 8:59