UMV 20th Annual Harley Raffle
Saturday, January 9, 2021

Due to the Covid-19 virus and the uncertainty of what gatherings will be allowed, there will be no dinner or dance for this year’s raffle.
We will draw the winning number and the second place number around 8:20 AM live on WLVB 93.9 FM. We will try to stream it live on Facebook and will post the results as fast as we can. The first place winner gets a 2020 Harley Davidson Low Rider. The bike is from Wilkins HD in South Barre, VT and can be viewed there. Tax, title and registration are the responsibility of the winner and must be taken care of within 30 days of the drawing.
The second place winner gets a raffle ticket for the 2022 drawing.
We’ll update this page with more info after our next meeting.