Dedicated to motorcycle safety, education, awareness, pro-motorcyclist legislation and individual freedom.


2024 Winners of scholarships

United Motorcyclists of Vermont makes available a number of $500 scholarships / educational gifts each year. Scholarships are awarded based on membership, community service and involvement, application effort, school involvement and grades, financial need and other considerations. Please be sure to mention other circumstances you would like the committee to consider when reviewing your application. The financial need section is optional. If you wish to be considered for financial need, you must provide the information requested. UMV Scholarships are available to Vermont residents regardless of age who are seeking to further their education by attending an accredited school, tech school, college, university, etc. You may receive a UMV Scholarship only once, you can apply as many times as you wish.

The applications for this year’s scholarships (educational grants) will be sent out in January.

• Download the Scholarship Application and mail it to us.

The deadline for the United Motorcyclists of Vermont’s Scholarships is March 31.

UMV Scholarship FAQ

  • UMV Scholarships are available to Vermont residents only, you do not need to attend a Vermont school
  • UMV Scholarships are available to high school seniors and adults of any age who are seeking to further their education at any accredited institution
  • You do not need to be a member of UMV to apply
  • Recent or graduating from high school students must supply school transcripts / report cards
  • If you wish to be considered for financial reasons, the financial aid page must be completed and requested forms supplied
  • All additional forms / pages must be typed with your name at the top of each page
  • UMV Scholarships are a one-time grant, you can re-apply, but you will not receive more than one scholarship
  • You do not need to be a motorcyclist to apply or receive a UMV Scholarship, but you should consider our mission statement (below) when filling out your application


United Motorcyclists of Vermont – Dedicated to motorcycle safety, education, awareness, pro-motorcyclist legislation and individual freedom.