Dedicated to motorcycle safety, education, awareness, pro-motorcyclist legislation and individual freedom.

Monthly archive for July 2011

Today’s Ride

I just thought I should share how great my ride to (and from!) work was today. I’m lucky that I’m able to use my bike to commute, and that my commute is about 24 miles of scenic Rt. 12, Rt. 100, and then little-used paved roads, then unpaved for 3 miles!

I could feel the sun’s warmth even at 7:20 a.m. No need for chaps this morning, just jacket, gloves, and a neck scarf. The recently cut fields of hay smelled so good, and that morning sun is fantastic.

I think avoiding all the cracks and gaps in the roads help us with our riding skills, lol. Yeah I’d rather have the roads totally smooth but you deal with what you’re given, right.

I even lucked out with no animals in my path, small or large. And even better, no cagers pulled any stupid tricks. You have to really watch out for the out-of-staters (well we know you have to watch out for everyone!) but especially in a touristy area like Stowe. Expect the unexpected, slow down a bit, and all should be fine.

I do try to acknowledge when I see someone about to pull out, then they notice me, and don’t. I give them a smile and a nod (“thanks for not killing me today”).

The ride home was warm! I would have gone without my jacket but I couldn’t stuff it into my backpack (relatively new bike for me, and I haven’t taken the saddlebag plunge yet). It sure does feel great to ride without the jacket sometimes. And how wonderful is it to pass through the cooler spots that are shaded by trees, then back into the bright warmth.

Lots of farm equipment on the roads and I always appreciate the ease and speed with which we can pass those slow-moving vehicles.

I was happily surprised to see that some of the ‘motorcycle eating potholes’ have been patched on Route 12 to Elmore. I had them all memorized. Hopefully the patches will hold.

Then home and down the driveway into the shaded coolness. Another work day over…and I am so lucky to be able to ride to work almost all the time.